Adventure into self and India – Tour Sept/Oct 2018

As in previous years (now in its 4th year! 😊 ), I’m organising this adventure into self and India (a superbly small snapshot of India really – Bodhgaya and Varanasi). The small group of 11 people (plus me = magic number of 12) will be made up people who have a love to be, learn and perhaps step out of their comfort zone (a bit).  There are still a few spots available and so I’d like to open this invitation up.

Bodhgaya and Krishnamurti Centre in Varanasi offer many opportunities for exploration. There are a variety of projects ( the Bodhgaya Development Association has been supporting for the past 25plus years. Any in situ participation in the school or other projects is entirely an ‘opt in or opt out’ version.

The flyer provides you with detailed information and dates – click here: 2018_India_S-L_Tour_PR_Info_ email-2f66y9n

Having travelled to India countless times and feeling a deep affinity with the community of Bodhgaya, my intention of organising these tours has always been that of service to others – enabling people to experience the richness that this involvement can bring. I am only involving a travel agency to book our flights and organise everything else myself.

The payment of the cost will be in instalments with a deposit of $500 due by the 13th of April or earlier. To assist me with the organisation I’d appreciate your response whether this is either something you’d like to participate in or can pass on to others.  I’ll be providing account details for the IndiaTour_2018 upon request. Looking forward hearing from you. (contact me on  kliebchenm(at)

One of our group members who came with us last year wrote this about the tour: “Our merry band of pranksters in September 2017 was very ably led by Kerstin Liebchen, equal best to any tour guide I’ve dealt with. The kids at the PV school were joyously wonderful and the Maha Bodhi temple totally lived up to its World Heritage Listing.   John Ransley”

Kerstin & & & (

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