Season greetings: an out of focus visual yearly review

A bit of a personal post here:

fuzzy visual summary of the year …my year … here is the text …

2016: Our year in review – “This place where you are right now, God has circled on a map for you.” Hafiz

Family holiday on main island of Viti Levu , Fiji: secluded (no wifi) beaches, rain, main island circumnavigation, swimming, (bored??!!) teenagers, rain, snorkeling, rain … lots of rummikubs and card games …
Some spectacular sunsets and full moons prompted our ‘monkey children’ to climb up on the roof to enjoy the view from up there.
Darius is accepting his leadership positions: Year 7 buddy and spiritual leader.
17 years on the 15th of Feb 1999, our beautiful son came into this world.

 – the upside down family …


I’m taking my 2nd tour of wonderful volunteers interested in Service- Learning to Bodhgaya, India.
Darius is graduating:12 years of education in all manner of speaking
Lena turned 14 – as per usual Crissi magics her amazingly themed cake … this time it is Lena’s sport that features on the cake’s decoration: indoor rock climbing! And uncle Evan is here…visiting from Thailand.
Darius is attending the school’s Year 12 formal. He is now taller than both Eoin and I.
Made it … “life is like a box of chocolate – you’ll never know what you’ll get” – 25th wedding anniversary!
2016: family, work, life- after over 20 years of teaching I contribute to education in a new way – writing German teaching & learning materials for the Australian curriculum, new job with new responsibilities, travel, work, art, concerts, married for 25 years, thriving on enabling, connecting & networking, meditation & taking on the chair of the Bodhgaya Development Association, wonderful visits from childhood friends and surviving the roller coaster that is being a parent to a Year 12 student.

A very unique gift idea – Gifts that keep on Growing!

This Christmas give Gifts that keep on Growing!

Give something truly special, while at the same planting Seeds for Education, Empowerment and Solidarity in poor communities in Bodhgaya, India.

Your Bodhgaya Development Association Gift card donation helps us provide education, health services and women’s empowerment programs in poor communities in Bodhgaya, India. The recipient of your gift receives a card explaining the significance of their gift.

Send us an email today:

TO: bda[at]                          Subject: Donation

and let us know about your Gift Card Donation intentions.


Your gift could be:

  • a gift of $100 which will educate one child for one year
  • a gift of $75 which purchases equipment, materials and resources for community health & education projects
  • a gift of $50 which will teach two women to sew
  • a gift of $25 which buys basic health services for rural communities

Further information: & and & &





Let’s learn from one another! Day 3

For our second teaching and learning day at PVS, we called upon various resources and paired up so that everyone of us was teaching and interacting with PV students together with another person in at least three different classes. Some of our group have teaching backgrounds and others do not. Yet, several universal learning, communicative and interactive games and activities had everyone involved in.

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We would start our day in the same class, sharing with them letters we’d brought from Australia. We would sing songs, write, read and play games. A fair few resources which had been taken to Bodhgaya over the years are incredibly useful and so readers, art and craft material and other donations are put to very good use.

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Exploring, connecting and reflecting – Day 4

For years, Prajna Vihar school has been trying to excel in its own little niche area: classical and modern Indian dance. Our very talented tabla playing dance teacher Rahul has been passionately teaching the students. Many of the dance performances for either competitions, special events or welcome and farewell celebrations have been taught under his professional guidance. The performances are a wonderful culmination of learning, study, practice and performance.


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Over the years, another area of school life has also gained some level of attention: much needed computer and typing skills. The computer room is set up in a fairly sparce way, 6 computers (all pretty old), no wifi yet and chairs that allow for anything but good posture of body, head and hand co-ordination. However, our computer teacher Jackie attempts to pass on skills and interest so that this area of every growing importance for future work can also be developed by the school community.


