Bihar state – a place of extremes

Bihar when not in drought, suffers regularly from floods. The landlocked state of Bihar and its geography is known for a wide variety of superlatives – often extreme when it comes to natural disasters as well as the poorest, and most illiterate state in India.

Recently, we received a rather distressing email from one of our small NGOs the Bodhgaya Development Association supports. Jeevan Deep’s co-ordinator Kailash reported that the drought and extreme heat really starts taking its toll.

He writes about the previously installed hand pump and the situation at the moment:

In this photo I’m checking water level and condition of Hand Pump in Arjunbigha. The pump is supplying dirty water. We need 100 feet deeper Bore well. Last year was not sufficient rain. Due to 46° temperature  this year, the water level has gone out of service. 

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Kailash is asking for donations to help dig two bore wells in villages just outside Bodhgaya. If interested read more about the various small NGOs the BDA supports and click on this hyperlink: Bodhgaya Development Association.

Completing the circle of life

2015 was a most eventful year for the students, staff and wider community of the Prajna Vihar School. The school celebrated its Silver Jubilee, our then principal Sr Shobha had completed nearly 8 years of service and Sr Anicia took over as principal of Prajna Vihar School in July 2015.

I took over a group of 11 friends and family in September and we spent over a week working along side Sr Anicia and her staff.

Here is a brief collection of pictures and thoughts by those who met Sr Anicia. Please have a read here.

We are very much saddened by Sr Anicia’s life coming full circle.  Her self-less service throughout her life and her work at the Prajna Vihar School is very much appreciated by all those who have met her.

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